Friday, August 20, 2010

South Africa Missions Trip - 2010

Cape Town, South Africa

"In repentance and rest is your salvation,

in quietness and trust is your strength"

(Isaiah 30:15)

Coming back from South Africa my mind and heart remains flooded with images. One image, so breath taking is that of Table Mountain located in Cape Town. As you can see, it is beautiful; the ocean and city below, the mountains near by and under foot, and the blue sky above. There is beauty anywhere we are, and with a thankful heart our eyes will see it. The small town of Fairmont, MN is so beautiful to me. The town is mostly safe, homes built without gates of security and alarms, clean streets without garbage, and clean air to breathe in. There are several lakes, open fields, and green grass to enjoy. The town and people in it, are also blessed to have the change of many seasons. However just like in Africa, here in Fairmont there is a danger. The danger I see here in Fairmont and many other towns in America, is the deadly power of religion and dead churches, a topic I'm chosing to not to write about right now. I want to tell you more about South Africa.

Amoungst the beauty of South Africa there is a dangerous and deadly disease that is spreading, killing many. One out of seven women is infected with HIV. That number is much smaller in other areas of Africa. I was given the oppertunity to pray with one woman who was infected, dying and in pain. I wondered what my prayer did, hoping that God would heal her. What can I do? I know God can do all things, but I also know He gave us the ability to chose. My heart aches for the women and men who don't understand what this disease does. Some places in Africa, it is a myth beleived, that if a man infected with HIV AIDS has sex with a woman who is a virgin, he will be healed ! ! ! ! ! Can you beleive it! I nearly dropped to the floor when I heard that. I feel the need to do so much more than meet with one woman and pray for her. I am a beleiver in the power of prayer, and will continue to raise up a cry, but my heart knows action, love and education are powerful things.

While in Africa, the team reached out to many people, giving them food and hope. We visited the squater camps and told many about a man named Jesus. Thankfully, the ministry team we connected with and went with, had already been going into these places, building a relationship with the poeple. We played with the children, prayed for several, and found God working in each of our hearts.

Interestingly, while I was there The Lord spoke to me about home. I wonder how many neighbors of mine really know Jesus? I wonder how many churches in Fairmont are actually Spirit led and not people led or dead!? I wonder who, today, I could meet with and connect with. Really, it's about love, and I know that I don't have to travel far to share the love of Jesus to a dying world.

I have a purpose right here, because God knows me, and I have opened my heart to Him.

I'm thankful The Lord brought me back to Africa, and I wonder what He is up to, what plans He has for my husband and I.

What I know today, is that TODAY is the day to love. Today is the day to be thankful. Today is the day, God is speaking to my heart in some way. Today, I have a purpose. Part of my purpose to love God, worship Him in Spirit and in Truth and love others out of my relationship with Him.

God's plans for His children are so great! And, when we have a relationship with Him, we have purpose and joy. It does not matter if we fly across the world to help others, or stay right where we live. Everyone needs love, everyone needs relationship and everyone, needs REST.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Be Still

“Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)

It can be difficult to be still, to not get caught in the routine of life, the gadgets and the go. But, unless we rest in the moment with Christ, the moments in our life will leave us without true peace and joy.

Someone dear to me once said, “You cannot manufacture peace, it comes from God.” That tells me that in order for me to have peace in my life, I must spend more time with the Maker, the Creator, the one who possess the best qualities. After all, His Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness gentleness and self-control.

The Kingdom of God is in the here and now, it’s a realm we cannot see, but from His throne room flows beauty, praise, goodness and all the fruits of the spirit. Scripture also says, “The Kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:20 NIV) This holds true for the believer, the one baptized into the Spirit of God. “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit.” (John 3: 5 NIV)

If you have never invited Him into your heart, now is the best time. Each day without Him is another day not knowing true peace and purpose.

Oh Lord, Fill me with Your Spirit – Come dwell in me. This is the constant cry of my heart although I know I’ve been reborn, baptized into Him. I want my cup to overflow of His presence, His Spirit, His love, because it is better than wine, better than anything I’ve ever tasted!

Think of the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was busy and unpleased with Mary who simply sat at Jesus’s feet, listening to Him, drawing from Him. Jesus said, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:38-42).

Resting in the here and now, in our thoughts and in our hearts, connects us with God who is in every moment, this very moment. He is peace. “My peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you” (John 14:27) and His word tells us that “the Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:10)

I stand in a place where I am in constant desire of more of God. His life dwelling in me calls out to the deepest things of Him. The parable of the ten virgins tells us we must be ready, with the oil (Matthew 25). I believe the oil is the intimacy we can have with God. It is also the measure of the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. The world offers a counterfeit happiness, a counterfeit passion in the lust and desires of more (porn, possessions, drugs, alcohol, harsh movies, angry music, name your poison). All of that leads to a death of the soul. I need to protect my heart from the worlds posions.

This very moment sit still, close your eyes and listen to the sounds around you. Invite The Lord deeper into this moment and take a few deep breaths.
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Be Still and know that He is God. He has so much for you. Come sit at His feet and draw from Him

Friday, July 30, 2010


Love and Creativity

“Creativity is not seen in a full restoration of the arts, but is the nature of His people in finding new and better ways of doing things. It is a shame for the Church to fall under the rut of predictability and call it traditions. We must reveal who our Father is through creative expression. The Church is often guilty of avoiding creativity because it requires change. Resistance to change is a resistance to the nature of God. Because the winds of change are blowing, it will be easy to distinguish between those who are satisfied and those who are hungry. Change brings to light the secrets of the heart. This anointing will also bring about new inventions, breakthroughs in medicine and science, and novel ideas for business and education. New sounds of music will come from the Church, as will other forms of art. The list in endless. The sky is the limit. Arise and create!” (Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth)

Jesus intends for us to become fully mature, unified, and creative. This maturity comes through the wisdom of the Father, which means one must spend time with the Father in order to mature. Solomon, full of wisdom possessed creativity. I believe with all my heart that creativity is the Holy Spirit wanting to bring pieces of Heaven here to earth, and here into our hearts and souls. Sometimes, I can’t contain the visions, the beauty, the color and the song my heart experiences from spending time with the Father. This creativity, this hope, keeps me alive and well, wanting more.

The Church is so hungry for creativity!

Many teens and young adults have turned away from the “Church” (the building), because they have felt judged, condemned, and BORED. People are looking for acceptance and love, and a Church that is alive. Are we awake?!

Those who don’t know God’s love and hope are turning to the ways of the world, to instant pleasure. Ive done it, but Ive also met the Maker, the Lover of my soul. There is a generation doubting, seeking for pleasure in all the wrong places. A generation is finding false acceptance and pleasure in broken relationships, video games, pornography, drugs and alcohol and violent, twisted movies.

So, what do we do? Are we awake enough to care?

We invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts, our lives, and our churches! We move away from predictability and religion, and allow God to do what He wants within us, within the Church, and within the broken.

Like Bill Johnson said, “New sounds of music will come from the Church, as will other forms of art.”

“The season of singing has come” (Song of Songs 2:11 NIV). It’s time to be awake, alive and ready! Singers sing! Artists Create! Preachers Preach with PASSION!

Jesus is about love, and accepting ALL. As Christians we need to love as He did and wake up to our creative gifts! “We know that we have passed from death to life, because we love our brothers” (1 John 3:14 NIV).

What gets my heart going is passion, passion for Jesus, passion for music, love, and the arts. A child who is hurting and who does not know hope, needs love, a helping hand, an ear to listen, and a knowledge of his/her gifting’s because of God. Operating in our gifting gives us purpose.

May the Christian be the helping hand and not the judging one. May there be unity and not separation because of differences. Let it be love that seeps out of me!

Times are tough & teens are hurting, people are hurting. There is a generation out there who is addicted to porn, something that destroys the very deepest of minds and hearts. Yes, that's right -it destorys! We need to be ready and prepared to love anyone who walks into our lives. We don't manufacture love and creativity, it pours out of God into us, if we are spending time with Him, and if His life dwells in us. Holy Spirit anyone?
“You’re attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2: 5 NIV).

Something to be kept in mind is that change is not always taken easily. This is revival, and there are many in “the Church” (the building) who may not understand this. “We seldom have immediate understanding of what God is doing and why. Sometimes our dearest friends want to put as away, declaring the move to be from the devil. And then there’s the fact that we are looked at as a fringe element by the rest of the Body of Christ. The willingness to bear reproach from our brothers and sisters is part of the cost we pay for the move of the Spirit. Revival usually takes us outside the camp- the religious community. That is often where He is- outside the camp!” (Bill Johnson, 2007)

I’m going where Jesus goes, and if that means outside the religious community, great, I’m there, painting, creating, singing and loving. I dont want religion anyway!

My prayer is that this will stir something within you, and that you will understand that He, The Creator, is searching for those worshiping in Spirit and in Truth.

Lord, please go before me and make a way. Help me see those who are hurting and need You. Creativity, rise up within! Creativity, stir up our hearts. Church, WAKE UP! Religion, GET OUT!

Friday, July 23, 2010

India Man

My husband and I went to Chennai India January of 2009, and thankfully, were able to take some photos of the locals.
I love this photo.
He stands tall
with his chin held high.

I wonder what his life is like-
the things he has seen, the places he has been.

The years showing on his face,
yet standing tall he looked at us as we looked at him.

Was his life touched by the recent tsunami?
Will he ever know Jesus as His Lord and Savior?


I wish I spoke the same language as this man, to tell him Jesus loves him, and that eternity can be spent in the heavens through a belief in a jewish man named Jesus.

Photo taken by Corey Freitag

God is Love - The glue

I recently was told of a young woman who is newly divorced. She moved states away to be with her new “love.” She got married and within the same month was divorced. Truthfully, when I heard this story I said, “How foolish.” Foolish yes, but also very sad. This girl moved back to the small town where she grew up, to find herself pregnant and without the father to the child she would now carry and raise up. “At least she is having the child,” I told my husband.

I often hear about this girl from someone I know. She once found herself in the grip of addiction, as I once did. I wonder if she has ever had an encounter with God? An encounter with God is what woke me up! The first time I saw her, was while she was standing by her fathers bed in the hospital, holding his hand, saying goodbye to him. He was dying. I remember the moment when we asked the family if everyone could hold hands around the father’s bed and pray. Prayer was not something this family engaged in much, but my husband and, I and our pastor knew, that this was a time when they would be willing. We all prayed, and a part of me wanted to scream, “In Jesus name, arise, wake up!” She lost her father that day, heartbroken and needing mending from her other Father.

When I was little, I heard of saying that I will never forget, “The family that prays together stays together.” I don’t know who came up with this saying, but it’s brilliant. My husband and I pray together often. Growing up, my family didnt' pray together other than the short scripted prayers at the dinner table. Things are very different now, and my mother and father are still together after my dad’s life of a deadly addiction to the bottle. My mother has sowed in many tears and thankfully so, the Lord is close to the broken hearted. I am thankful that prayer, loud prayer, worship in the home, and intercession kept the word “divorce” away from my parents. I know others were praying too. After I moved home, sober and full of the Holy Spirit, I was not about to let Satan steel my dad’s soul. One day, while knowing my dad was very intoxicated, I sat at the piano, worshiped God and screamed as loud as I could, “In Jesus name, this home will be a sober home. Satan, The Lord rebuke you and your addicting spirits!” Ha Ha, crazy, I don’t think so, and neither do many victorias Christains. Yes, changed happened. Yes, God’s presence in the home changes the atmosphere and in Christ, we can speak Truth with confidence. God’s word is so powerful and lively worship changes things.

The truth is, we can allow Him (The Holy Spirit), or the opposite to dwell in our home, both our homes, if you know what I mean. I chose Jesus and close the door to the things defile my soul and my family.

Moving on……

A couple of years ago while in South Africa, I was blessed by a ministry called 13th Floor. The group, apart from bringing glory to God through dance, art, drama and music, taught the members of the team many things. One of those things, was the importance of a relationship with God in the context of marriage.

1 John 4: 16 say that “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” Love flows from God, and without His presence in a marriage, the opposite of love is found. What is the opposite of love you may wonder? Well, 1 Corinthians says, “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not rude, it is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.” So, think of the opposite of patient and kind and there is your answer. I love the last word in the scripture, perseveres. Love always perseveres. Love does not give up and call it quits (for those in marriage).

My assumption is that the girl and boy, the divorced couple, met, became infatuated with one another, neither of them standing on the rock of stability (JESUS). They may have engaged in intimacy quickly (something the world does, something I once did), got in a few arguments and called it quits. Love was not present in them before they even made the tie. God is love, it's not a feeling. Love takes time, and grows overtime. God's presence can dwell in us through His Holy Spirit (John 14), and that is where the love comes froms. We must be connected to the vine, Jesus. The couples relationship resembles the way the world does things, but as the church, as Christians, we are supposed to look different. The sad truth is, is that divorce runs rampant in both Christian relationships and worldly.

So, how does the married couple stay together? The answer is prayer and a relationship with God, by each person. I can’t love my husband well, unless I am seeking after God. When I seek after God and His life dwells in me, than His love and all the amazing things of love, flow from me. God is love. God is love. God is love.

I have to make time for my relationship with God; He is number one in my life, because if He is not, all the other things will fall apart. I will fall apart without the glue. I need the glue!

“A chord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12
Christ is the glue that holds two people together. He is the third strand.

The story of the young girl is heartbreaking. This girl is in her early 20’s and is one who has never had a real relationship with God. She lost her father and now, her child may not know its father. I hope I am wrong. I wonder what her life will be like now. I also wonder what the life of her child will be life without a father. This story has become too familiar in the world we live in and it’s true that Satan hates marriage. Satan is out to destroy family. I need to equip myself and protect my marriage through God’s presence, prayer, His word, communication with my spouse and love.
For those of you in relationships where one or the other has no relationship with God, it is going to be hard. God knows your situation, and there is hope. A red flag when dating is, when the other person has no relatinship with God (bad fruit). The important thing is, is that YOU, are seeking after God. The answers will follow as you allow God to work in your life. Change may be the answer and God in His awesome love and power can help you.

Marriage is supposed be a picture of the bride of Christ coming together with the Father. The bride, is the body of the believers who are the Fathers. Jesus is coming back for His bride. He has a deep love for His her; He is patient with her. He is kind to His bride. He loves His bride.

May I learn to love, as God loves.

Prayer -
Lord, I pray that you would draw me closer to Your heart. Cause a deeper hunger to rise up within me – for You! I need you Lord. I need you in my marriage. I need you to help me love better, to be patient and kind, to bring my husband good and not harm. You are the glue that holds us together and may we each individually, constantly, seek after you! I love You Lord, and I pray for this girl who is now carrying life. Lord, help her to see you. Draw her in so she can know Your. I pray she would come to know a relationship with You. You are Awesome God- The glue the holds my marriage together, the glue that holds me together. Thank You Lord! In Jesus Name, Amen.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Take a Walk

Today I felt the presence of God. I took the headphones out of my ears and took a walk just before the sun disappeared this evening. All around me, I could hear the sounds of the world; the sound of the leaves as the wind blew through the trees, the sound of the little birds swooping and singing oh so joyously. It is God who said, “Be still and know that I am God.” He also said, “Draw near to me, and I will draw near to you.”

Part of what that means, is that we turn off the phones, stop the texting, take the headphones out of our ears, shut down the computers, turn off the TV’s and quiet the radios. Let’s just listen to the sound of nature around us, to the stillness, to the beauty. I want to feel God’s own creation around me, and under the souls of my feet.

I took several deep breathes on that walk. Each time, it was like breathing in life and peace for the first time. I felt the breeze glide over my skin, and it felt as though it was the very presence of God, bringing comfort and assurance that He was there with me, walking with me.

I believe He was. He was all round me, and within me.

"the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." John 4:4 (NIV)

To often the enemy uses all the great gadgets we have to distract us from God's presence.

Let’s not let the things of the world take away our peace.
Be still, and know that He is God.

May God bless you with His overwhelming presence of love and peace.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Strippers Story, a Dream, Once Reality

There was a time in my life when I painted on the face, strapped on the heals, shut down my heart and set out to make as much as I could, with my body. Of course I didn't see it that way then. What a dark place, a strip club. A place where men and women come to fill the lust & loneliness they feel inside; married men, young men, old men, immature boys looking for excitement and trying to live out what they see in the porn they watch, mature adults with lots of money and lots of loneliness. Most of them, I'm sure were longing for excitement in their lives, something to feel, something to do.

I was the object of many needs; the need to feel, the need to have something new, the need to lust after something, the need to get away, the need for company, the need for excitement, the need to look at something pleasing to the eye.

This was years ago, yet my dreams are still haunted by this dark place. I often have dreams where I am about to go on stage in the strip club, or where I am asking some stranger if they would like a dance. In the dreams, it’s me yet I'm also playing the part of Shannon. Shannon was my stage name back then. I was living in the dark, lost, and using drugs and alcohol to numb the pain in my life. Today, I am sober, happy and free. I have met The Lord Jesus Christ. He is my rock, my God, my shelter.

Back to my dream....

This morning I woke, in and out of sleep several times. Every time I would go back to sleep my dream would continue from where it had left off. Have you ever had that happen? This happened 4 or 5 times! In the midst of the dream, I heard a soft comforting voice say, "Declare Freedom." I know this was the voice of my Father God. In the dream I had on the outfit, very little that is, and the makeup and heals and wad of cash in my hands. It was a new club, not the one I worked in for so long. In this club, the dressing room looked so very different. Sadly so, it was like a cattle barn. Each girl had her place to get ready, her mirror and locker full of scantily clad outfits. In the dream, I had to make it a point to let the dj know what songs I wanted to dance to when it was my turn to go onto stage. I choose a Perfect Circle song called Oretes and a Korn song, both of which are no longer music selections of mine today. What was most vivid about the dream was being back in the dressing room and watching the manager come in to talk with one of the girls. However, he did not talk. He wound up his arm to slap the girl he was speaking to. I became so righteously angry and began to storm towards him. Instead, I grabbed the phone of one of the cattle standing close by. I wanted to call 911. "Declare Freedom," came the voice. "Declare Freedom."

So hear it is. For all of you women who are painting on your faces, strapping on your heals and trying to earn what you can, YOU are daughters of the Most High God, and worth far more than a dollar, many hundreds, or even a thousand! I've been there before, my heart broken and torn, shut down and drowned in a bottle or a pill. I declare Truth for you, that YOU would know the living God. I pray that you would be set free from the trap you are in. Yes, it’s a trap to hurt you and steal from you...your soul. You can break free, and I pray that you would see, there is another way, and this day you can be free. You don't have to do what you are doing. It's hurting you. You are worth far more than what you see. You are a daughter of the most high God, made to be loved and valued, not torn up, used and abused. Declare Freedom child!

I declare freedom in my dream life - freedom from the past. I am a new creation in Chris Jesus.

"Loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke to set the oppressed free." Isaiah 58:6

There is freedom and freedom is found through a Jewish man named Jesus, who right now stands in the heavenly realm next to the Father. He was beaten, whipped, and abused, taking your punishment. He loves you and had you in mind on His way to Calvary. A blood sacrifice is found nowhere else. Let Him in your heart, and know the true freedom that comes from accepting His gift. He has filled me with His Holy Spirit, which has given life, freedom, and joy. My child, you are worth far more than you know. God is knocking at the door of your heart. Will you answer to His call?

Freedom is found for the captive. Freedom was found for this ex-stripper, ex-drug addict, ex-lost....and now found.

God loves you and so do I
You are never alone.
Danielle Patrice

If you are searching for help & are working in the sex industry or want more info:


If you stuggle with an addiction to pornography: